Research Projects

Graduate Tracking of Long-Term Rural Medical Placements

Project Summary

The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of extended rural placements on former students of the Sydney Medical School who participated in the University of Sydney Rural Clinical Schools program. Specifically, the study assesses where these former students are practicing (geographically) and their chosen field of practice.

In order to interpret the effect of rural placement on students’ subsequent career, comparisons are being made with the whole of the Sydney Medical School cohort.

The objectives of this study are:

  • To use routine data in the public domain to identify the place of primary medical practice for former medical students at the School of Rural Health (Dubbo/Orange) and University Centre for Rural Health (Lismore), and University Department of Rural Health (Broken Hill) compared to other Sydney Medical School graduates.
  • To consider how this may change over the years post-graduation.
  • To consider the type of specialties that students who had extended rural clinical placements who are working rurally have compared to others and the time taken to acquire specialist qualifications.

This project is led from School of Rural Health, Dubbo/Orange, and project lead is Associate Professor Georgina Luscombe.

Our Investigators

  • Dr Jodie Bailie
  • Associate Professor Georgina Luscombe, University of Sydney


  • Dr Anthony Brown, University of Sydney
  • Professor David Lyle, University of Sydney
  • Dr Brie Turner, University of Sydney



What type of study is involved?

This is a longitudinal cohort study of graduates of the University of Sydney Medical School.

What have been the key findings so far?

Extended rural clinical school placement at the Sydney Medical School is associated with a higher probability of undertaking rural internship. This effect is over and above the effect of rural origin.

Who can be contacted for more information?

Dr Brie Turner or Dr Jodie Bailie