
As a key member of the collaboration behind the WellMob project, our team manage a digital library of social, emotional and cultural wellbeing resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

WellMob focuses on workforce development using culturally embedded online health promotion resources and low intensity digital mental health and wellbeing interventions. WellMob is part of the broader national e-Mental Heath in Practice project that assists health practitioners to learn about, navigate and use evidence-based digital mental health programs and tools with their clients and patients.

The WellMob website provides more than 500 mental health and wellbeing resources developed by and for First Nations Australians including websites, apps, videos, fact sheets, podcasts, PDFs, and social media.

WellMob takes a holistic strength-based approach around Indigenous wellbeing. The online resources it links to provide information, stories of lived experience, promote hope, and break down shame or stigma about mental health and wellbeing issues for First Nations Australians.

The website also has training resources for health and wellbeing workers to strengthen cultural understanding and safety in practice.

The website is continuously updated as new resources are identified and developed.

For more information on Wellmob please visit their website.