We provide a comprehensive rural clinical experience for medical students from the University of Sydney, Western Sydney University and University of Wollongong.
We host medical students from each of these universities for a year-long placement. We also offer some short term and elective placements.
We aim to help our students understand the qualities and skills needed as a clinician and as a community leader. Rural placement will help students learn how to be responsive to the health needs of individuals, families and communities and develop a commitment to improving the health care system at all levels. Students will get to meet and learn with students from other universities and disciplines in a variety of settings, all while being supported across all aspects of your personal and professional development.
Graduates from our programs also have opportunity to further their medical careers through the various training pathways offered in the region, including the Regional Training Hub and Simulation Centre.

About Our Placements
Rural placements are provided in a variety of hospital and community settings to meet the curriculum requirements of each university but with a focus on a rural environment.
These placements include acute hospital placements in areas such as critical care, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, mental health, medicine and surgery as well as exposure to small rural hospitals, community centres, General Practices and Aboriginal Medical Centres.
To support placements, we also offer a comprehensive education program including simulation and clinical skills, a tutorial program, student led case discussions and opportunities for students to undertake exam preparation.
Academic Support
We have experienced academic leads across medicine, surgery, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, critical care, mental health and general practice who work with students while on placement. These members of staff all practice in their given field and ensure our placements meet curriculum requirements of each university while focusing on a rural setting.

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