WellMob, a one-stop digital library of social and emotional wellbeing content made for and by our diverse Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples had turned its attention to vaping.
Vaping has quickly become a significant health issue, particularly with young people. WellMob has several new resources developed by First Nations organisations addressing the facts about vaping and encouraging healthier choices.
Two new resources have been added to the digital library, the first of which is a 2024 calendar. This 2024 colourful calendar provides information about the health effects of vaping and smoking. Each month, Uncle (Professor) Tom Calm provides tips and encouragement to quit from the Tackling Indigenous Smoking program.
The second resource is a series of three fact sheets which have information and data on smoking and vaping for health professionals. The sheets cover whether vaping helps people to quit tobacco smoking; health outcomes and other risks of vaping; and vaping trends including data about young people and vaping.
Find the new resources on the WellMob website at https://wellmob.org.au/.